The Education Foundation of Europe is the ISIC Exclusive Representative of Taiwan
@isictaiwan ∣(02)8773-1333


About Education Foundation of Europe

Education Foundation of Europe and the International Student ID Card.

The main purpose of promoting the ISIC International Student ID Card is to hope that young students from all over the world can go abroad and travel around the world through an international student ID card, regardless of country, race, gender, or religion, and understand and learn about the cultures of different countries. Respect different cultures, reduce conflicts that may be caused by cultural differences, and promote world peace!

With the support of its affiliated NagaCorp Travel Group, the Kang Wen Culture & Education Foundation has been actively encouraging young friends in Taiwan to transcend their personal comfort zones for decades and explore the world outside the books in line with the principle of "reading thousands of books, but also traveling thousands of miles" , through the global network established by the International Student ID Association, provides students with comprehensive discounts including food, clothing, housing, transportation, education, and entertainment. So far, it has provided 150,000 discounts in 130 countries around the world, allowing students to study regardless of whether they are When traveling abroad or in daily life, you can enjoy the discounts brought by the International Student ID Card and other application cards. The agency right for international student ID cards was also changed to European Language Consulting Co., Ltd. under the same group in 2019, allowing the development of international student ID cards to be more diversified.

By integrating NagaWorld Travel Agency, which specializes in foreigners traveling to Taiwan, and Jinzhan Travel Agency, which specializes in planning overseas trips for Chinese people, we will use the reputation and resources established in the tourism industry over decades to jointly plan and arrange the best itineraries for the education sector. We provide more comprehensive and complete services, and add the mission of "cultural exchange" to the travel itinerary!